hot dog wanderings

I left a hot dog on the counter and it was so irresistable that one of the cats hopped up and dragged it out of the kitchen, but then left it abandoned. I got a couple of new beds from sample sale, one is so fancy looking that my mom thought it was a couch cushion of some sort or bedding. One of the beds has a backing to it and sort of has a roof, meh.

Need to do a couple of homework things and I should be set to go. They haven’t billed me yet and apprently I will have a month after they bill me to pay, which is nice. PC financial has to move some of my RRSP to a chequing account so I can transfer it out to a trading account and I should be all set there. Taxes are lined up to go, just have to go through everything and make sure it is all around. I have most of the stuff entered already.

I think I am going to try for a picture of a birdie tomorrow, 99% chance I will forget and leave in the morning in a tired state of confusion.

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