7k done

And I might have went for 8 if it wasn’t so late.  It was a slower run today, 40 minutes for the first 5k.  My 6thk was the slowest at 9 minutes but than I sped up for the last k.  During the 6th k my leg was bothering me and I got a bit of a stitch but it west away soon after.  I used my dual shock shoe again, it was rough going early on, it felt like it was making the arch of my foot pop up higher than it should.  It was a cool night again but as soon as I got some sweat going it felt hot and icky.  I didn’t notice how sweaty I was until I took off my shirt, that thing is amazing wicking the sweat away and it was soaked through.  Afterwards though I was also amazed at how much my foot was cramping from my shoe, it wasn’t happy at all.  On the bright side, I ran with a hat today and it kept all the sweat out of my eye which I am very happy about.

The super Harvest Moon is huge, This morning I left an hour early to get into work sooner and it took up a lot of the sky and kept things nice and bright.  I wasn’t too sleepy this morning which was good since I was able to notice quickly that my bus wasn’t coming and didn’t actually start to run that early.  I am lucky that I ran across my neighbourhood because I was walking to the bus stop that does have a bus in the morning it was already approaching, I ran across traffic to get in, I’m glad he waited for me, although he was a bit early.  The bottom of my foot feels tight and so does my calf, tomorrow is going to suck.

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