I hit the road and W8D1 is done

It warmed up to around 10c so I got all dolled up in a long sleeve shirt and pants and went for a run. I went the full 28 minutes and I ran faster than I have on the threadmill. I ran at an average 7.30 minute pace for 3.75 km.  That is a lot nicer than the 8.30 minute pace I seem to have on the treadmill. Near the end I was huffing and puffing as I was going back up hill. Not that it was much of a hill, just a gradual climb on a road that you would never notice driving by or walking on it. Looking at my heat map I really struggled for the last 2 minutes of that run. I was doing relatively OK for most of it though, pretty consistent although a little slower after the 2nd KM. My pace for a full 5k would be 38 minutes which is what I did before. My legs felt great, my knees were feeling a little bit of the impact and my breathing was good until the last 2 minutes.


Around halfway through my run I was feeling pretty good, I thought I could push it beyond 28 minutes and maybe go to 30 minutes, I didn’t think I could do the full 5K but a little bit more than what I was scheduled to do. Looking back in August W8D1 was the first time I did 5k, I did W7D3 twice so I guess that helped build me up, Maybe next timeI can get a little bit more. Maybe not since with running outside it is the first time I a dealing with real hills and climbs.  Oh well I should be able to get through it soon, certainly a lot sooner than last year where it took me to August to do it.

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