weird dream

I am worse at colouring than drawing

I am worse at colouring than drawing

I had a dream last night, a really weird one. For some reason Children’s services came to to someone’s house on the insistance of their neighbour and took away one of the kids, the kid had a duck’s bill for a nose/mouth. It wasn’t a weird genetic fluke as I found out later in my dream but rather because a duck was the father of the child, ie the mom did a duck. The kid finished university and got married. Fairly weird dream, I think my mind was a bit awake for this dream b/c I think I was able to control parts of it. I would assume I wanted to see what a duck billed person looks like but who knows.

In other news Stella and Gweeker were a sleep most of the day upstairs right next to each other, nice to know that they are learning to tolerate each other, or at least keep each other warm. We will hit quite the turning point when Gweeker jumps up next to Stella to lie down.

My eyes are soar and I need to do some work stuff. First I shall go to Manchu Wok for cheapish chicken wrapped in a sauce that I find delight in. I wish we lived closer to Noodle Hut, or that I had the time and knowledge to turn that nodle stuff in the cupboard into cooked noodle stuff on a plate covered with sugary sauce and tiny chicken pieces that don’t taste like normal home made chicken.

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