It has been a white since my last rejection.

I didn’t get into the program, with 25 spots available and seemingly little interest in the program. I interviewed very poorly and said I was much to casual about it. They think I did really badly, I thought I had a pretty good shot, quite the difference in opinion. I don’t anticipate that I’ll get the other position I applied for. It baffles me though when people are doing better than me with far less ability to be flexible, I guess they at least know what to expect from them, I don’t make it clear. I think Des will find out soon how truly bad of interview I can do. Fuck the Category job that I declined to interview for is posted again, I might have had a real good shot at it, for fuck sakes. I am simply at a loss of words, I have shot myself in the foot much too often. I just feel like the biggest dipshit on the planet who can’t do anything right. I hate my awkwardness.

Kitty decided to rest on my neck, with his but on my ear.

3 thoughts on “It has been a white since my last rejection.

  1. That sucks about the interview. They can be pretty harrowing. But I think if you keep at it, something good will eventually come along and smack you upside the head with awesome!

    Also, wiggy has the same fetish about pressing his butt against me– you are not alone in the cat assiness.

  2. I am also sorry to hear about the interview. But more so, I hate to hear you talk about yourself like that. You are a very intelligent person, and you will move ahead I know it. It just takes time. It took me 5 years to get a promotion at Hbc!

    Please do not get discouraged. You are great, Deano!

  3. I thought you didn’t really apply to anything before, than the first and second thing and boom offers, kekeke. I just I dunno feel I can do it, I’m just worried that I never will, it is kind of my biggest fear but it is wrapped up in so much headcase stuff that it will never be close to normal, I am an awkward flower. With a cat ass as a hat.

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