
The cat was out in the grass by the tree when the squirrels came. They were zipping back and forth through the yard and the kitty crouched down to hide. One of the squirrels got too close for his compfort so he got up and ran after it. He was tied down so he didn’t get too far. Poor scared cat. The blood thirsty squirrels were after him.

Chris has informed me that the Jessica saga is not over yet afterall. She didn’t pay her last month of rent oh so long ago and the landlord has turned it over to a collection agency. Fun times. Fuck I think I signed up origianlly with my parent number so they’ll priobably get harrassed, not that it is much better if they called on my cell.

Older Simpson Hallowe’en episodes are on. They are much better than the newer ones.

I’m not going to live in a house of evil to save a few dollars. haha.

I’m sleepy. I got to see baby rabbits at Waterloo park again. They were cute, and a pregnant goat. Also some weird turkey things that I didn’t see before. The goats were chasing after each other, it was quite a site to see, another goat was sniffing the but of the pregnant goat as she was pooping. The park was wonderfully quiet and deserted, no one was around Friday morning. I had the day off since I had my license plate transferred in the morning. We went around silver lake and found some of those historic Waterloo stands and saw the water drainage set up they had going on to keep the lake from overflowing. The lake use to have fish and boaters and swimmers. They also used it to provide ice to residents and hotels before freezers, nifty huh.

I still have to get some sort of metal putty thing to cover the rust spots on my car. I was allowed back home without it. I was pretty surprised, I thought my dad would be fussing over it until I got it. At least one of the fish Kathy gave me yesterday is dead. I am not too surprised, I didn’t really give them enough time to get use to the new water temperature. I cleaned her room up for her on Saturday while she studied. More cleaning was needed.

Sarok the Preparer cried.

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