My Head Hurts Some More

I came back from my vacation. It was a fun 10 days although it was originally suppose to be like 20 or something, meh. Didn’t get out a whole lot and ate sushi until I got sick. I didn’t see any giant tomatoes but I did get to see giant kitties and a weiner dog.

I switched departments at work, not quite sure if I am doing stuff correctly but I guess i’ll find out on Monday. I did get to make a couple of VB scripts for someone so I am learning, yay.

On the present front I didn’t really want anything at all, after all I got nobody anything really and Kathy got a cheap book she wanted and a bumble, yes a bumble! I got Arrested Development Season 1 and 2 as well as some boots that hurt my feet a lot that I am told I’ll be able to stretch and something else that I can’t really remember at the moment since I am so tired. Oh Super Scrable.

I got some Tiger Barbs yesterday and some other fish and the cat is absolutely fascinated by them, he sits far from the tank now and just watches everything in there. He loves it.

I was thinking of getting some more but those plans are put on hold now since the power steering in my car broke. Not just a line but the whole thing and it is 800 bones to replace and repair. A whole 1/3 of my car’s value. It broke down in Brampton so I had to find someplace that could even look at it tonight and hope they could repair it in time so I could go home eventually. Since it wasn’t something simple like a line they had to order stuff in that wouldn’t make it in time and I had to call around until I found someone who could give me a ride home.

I’m going to sleep now, I am very tired. Did I write about the story about getting lost in Brantford? That town is ghetto.

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